Vane or flap air flow sensor/meter
The most dodgy design i ever seen on cars (personal opinion no judge) found it first time on my own Toyota Levin 4AGE engine. It is actually need some force before it can start working so i basically blocks air flow in the engine. Most of the Toyota VAFM got 7 pin outs, Ground, Power, Signal, Idle, Sensor output and fuel pump switch.
That how it looks like! Big, massive, but a bit useless for hi-performance cars.
They can be tested by connecting them to 5 volt power supply and reading output voltage at different angle of the flap. Inside this sensor is a flap on pretension spring which connected to variable resistor (potentiometer) which change resistance as more air passes through and opens flap. In most cases this sensor fails if resistor track is broken. Here is some readings i took.
Good comment i agree it is not a great why to meter the air